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Gambling addiction confession

“I’m Addicted To Gambling” How To Have That All-Important Conversation

Telling someone you love that you have a problem is never easy. And when it’s a gambling addiction confession, it’s going to be hard.

But there’s so much to be gained from doing it. So don’t shy away from the task at hand. Tackle it head on and learn how you can make the experience a little easier on yourself. A gambling addiction confession is a big deal. But it just might be the best thing you ever do.

It’s such an important step in your recovery. And it’ll make quitting gambling for good so much easier too. So make that gambling addiction confession and get ready to move on to a new phase in your life.

Come to terms with your situation

You’re thinking about making a gambling addiction confession. But where are you in your recovery journey? Have you pinpointed problem gambling warning signs in yourself? Have you stopped gambling yet? And have you already been seeking some sort of support? Be Gamble Aware is a great place for those based in the UK to get important resources and contacts.

Be honest with yourself about where you’re at. And don’t beat yourself up if you’re not as far along in your journey as you want to be. Fight against stigma wherever you can. This can be a long road. But making a gambling addiction confession is an important part of it.

Talking to someone you trust

Not everyone in your life needs to know you have a gambling problem. But there are a lot of people who do. The people who you live with. Your significant other. Your family. Close friends. Anyone whose life has been affected by your addiction and anyone who you might look for for support in your time of need.

And you don’t have to do it all at once either, of course. Talk to the people closest to your first. And then find the courage to talk to others on a need to know basis. At some point in your life, you might get the the point where you’re comfortable talking to anyone about your struggles with addiction. But if that point isn’t right now, that’s okay too.

Finding the right words for your gambling addiction confession

Wherever you are in your recovery journey, it making a gambling addiction confession can be daunting. So we think the best approach is to figure out what you’re going to say before you say it.

Write down a list of things you want to include. They can be your struggles, financial consequences and how your addiction has affected your loved ones. And if you’re confessing to someone whose life has been affected by your addiction, make sure you include a heartfelt apology.

It’s also important to think about how you want to tackle your addiction. Making recovery a big part of your gambling addiction confession can help win back trust lost.

All these things might sound very basic. But in the heat of the moment, you can forget crucial things you wanted to say. And the last thing you want to do is kick yourself after working up the courage to make your gambling addiction confession.

Time and place

When you’ve done all the groundwork on what you want to say and who you want to say it to, think about a good time and place for your gambling addiction confession. Choose a time when you and your loved one are likely to be calm, not tired and not distracted.

Speaking of not distracted, make sure the place that you choose is quiet and easy for you both to feel comfortable in. Sometimes that might be one of your homes, it could be a quiet cafe on neutral territory. Or maybe it might be easier to get out for a walk somewhere?

Anticipating their reaction

You might be worried about how they’ll take it. But the truth is you simply don’t know. If they do end up taking it badly, just accept it. They might come around in time. And if they don’t, they’re certainly not the right people to help you with your recovery.

However, after your gambling addiction confession, you could be surprised at the support you receive from your loved ones. And this support could really help you overcome your problem gambling for good.


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