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pocket queens tactics

5 Pitfalls To Avoid When You’re Holding Pocket Queens

Holding pocket queens? Lucky you! They’re one of the most coveted hands in poker. But even with such a powerful hand, you can’t forget your pocket queens tactics.

If you’re not careful, you can easily fall into some common pitfalls. Find out what you should avoid doing when you’re lucky enough to have pocket queens in your hand. Then they just might lead you to a royal windfall at the poker table!

1. Don’t overplay

Sometimes when people get a valuable hand, they REALLY milk it. However, in the world of pocket queens tactics, you really need to keep perspective. You can easily overestimate the strength of this (admittedly strong) hand. Of course, pocket queens are vulnerable to pocket kings and queens. But on the flop, turn and river, also look out for what’s thrown down. Think about what your opponents might have and assess the table dynamics before committing too many chips to the pot. Be prepared to fold if necessary, even if it means letting go of those gorgeous queens.

2. Remember where you’re sitting

Now we don’t mean where you’re physically sitting. You could be on your sofa playing online (bet365 bonus code if you’re looking for somewhere to play), at a friend’s poker night or in some far flung card room over the other side of the world. We’re talking about where your position at the poker table. You’ve always got to adjust your strategy to your position. Failing to do that always leads to trouble. If you’re in an early position, playing aggressively might invite multiple opponents to raise or call, increasing your chances of being outdrawn. Meanwhile, if you’re playing passively in a late position, opponents might see also be more inclined to see a cheap flop and then hit a stronger hand. Adapt your approach based on your position and they you can extract maximum value and minimize risk.

3. What are their betting patterns like

When you’re holding pocket queens, sometimes it can feel like you’re the only one in the room. But you’re not. You’re playing against several opponents. So cast your mind back and think about their betting patterns. When you know what your opponents tend to do, you can make a smarter decision about how you should play those queens. More information is always better.

4. Don’t forget about those pesky overcards

Encounter overcards on the flop and suddenly those pocket queens don’t look quite so shiny. If those community cards have an Ace of King, reassess the strength of your hand. That doesn’t mean you have to fold straight away. Just exercise caution and think about what your opponent might be holding. Pay close attention to the betting action before you make your decision. And if you get spooked, then you can fold.

5. Remember your bankroll

Budgeting for gambling is essential. It’s a smart thing to do. And every decent player, including professionals, exercises good bankroll management. But sometimes it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a really strong hand like pocket queens and forget about your bank roll. Particularly when you’re playing cash games, make sure that you don’t bite off more than you can chew. Poker is a game of skill and patience, so managing your bankroll is crucial to long-term success. Stick to your predetermined limits before making any impulsive decisions. Even if you have pocket queens.


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