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What Should I Know About Playing Mid Table?

Mid table positions in poker can lead to a bit of head scratching. But we’re here to make it simple for you.

After you read this, there will no longer be any question in your mind as what it means to be mid position. Plus you’ll have a more solid idea about the smarter bets you can make while you’re there.

Why does it matter what position I’m in in poker?

Your position in poker is pretty crucial as to how you play almost any hand. People most commonly think about the advantages and disadvantages of being in early or late position. And it’s only right to think about that. But you shouldn’t ignore mid position.

Whatever position your in, you should make sure you play accordingly. You should tighten/widen your range, depending on where you are on the table. You should also adjust your betting techniques: some positions are much more suited to an aggressive 3-bet than others. And it can have an impact on how, when or if you bluff too.

How many positions are mid-table in poker?

The number of mid table positions on a poker table depends on how many people are sitting down. If you’ve got a six-max table, you have one mid position place. That’s called a hijack, which is two seats to the right of the button.

But when you’re playing at a nine-max table, you’ve got three mid table positions. The lojack and middle position seats come directly after the hijack, as you might expect.

Can I expect a good win rate when I play mid position?

As long as you play smart, the odds are with you when you’re mid position. You’re more likely to break even or win over the course of your mid positions plays than you are to be a big loser.

Having said that, that’s all down to obeying the rules of mid position play.

What are the golden rules of playing mid position?

There are a few things you should always keep in mind when you’re mid table in poker…

  • Think twice before stealing blinds: you’re unlikely to get away with it scot free, since you don’t have a whole lot of advantages pre or post-flop
  • Always be ready for a showdown: while you don’t have to be as narrow as an early position player, mid table players in poker are quite likely to face a showdown. So keep that in mind when you’re deciding whether to play a hand or not
  • Aggression can be useful here: got a good hand? Make the most of it with an aggressive open raise
  • Use the pre-flop raise to your advantage: when you’re mid table, it’s good to try and become late. How do you do that? Well by getting the players who are in late position to fold. Try a raise pre-flop to see if you can discourage interest into continuing. Then you can milk all the advantages of late position play a little earlier than you initially expected

Practice playing in mid table positions online

Getting comfortable playing poker can be a little easier online, in our opinion. So if you want to put some of those tips into practice, why not check out bet365? Whether you’re interested in multi-table tournaments, cash games, knock outs or flights, there are plenty of options available to you.

Plus you can use this bet365 bonus code when you sign up, for a really sweet welcome offer.


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